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book cover with the strap line, accessible web interfaces piece by piece

Collapsible sections are perhaps the most rudimentary of interactive design patterns on the web. All they do is let you toggle the visibility of content by clicking that content's label. Big whoop.

Although the interaction is simple, it's an interaction that does not have a consistent native implementation across browsers — despite movement to standardize it. It is therefore a great "hello world" entry point into accessible interaction design using JavaScript and WAI-ARIA.

So why am I talking about it now, after covering more complex components? Because this article will focus on developer and author experience: we're going to make our collapsible regions web components, so they are easy to include as part of larger patterns and in content files.

As we did when approaching tab interfaces, it helps to consider what our component would be in the absence of JavaScript enhancement and why that enhancement actually makes things better. In this case, a collapsible section without JavaScript is simply a section. That is: a subheading introducing some content — prose, media, whatever.

<h2>My section</h2>  
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras efficitur laoreet massa. Nam eu porta dolor. Vestibulum pulvinar lorem et nisl tempor lacinia.</p>  
<p>Cras mi nisl, semper ut gravida sed, vulputate vel mauris. In dignissim aliquet fermentum. Donec arcu nunc, tempor sed nunc id, dapibus ornare dolor.</p>  

One advantage of collapsing the content is that the headings become adjacent elements, giving the user an overview of the content available without having to scroll nearly so much. Expanding the content is choosing to see it.

Logform prose compressed into section headings/labels, leaving more space

Another advantage is that keyboard users do not have to step through all of the focusable elements on the page to get to where they want to go: Hidden content is not focusable.

The adapted markup

Just attaching a click handler to the heading for the purposes of expanding the associated content is foolhardy, because it is not an interaction communicated to assistive software or achievable by keyboard. Instead, we need to adapt the markup by providing a standard button element.

<h2><button>My section</button></h2>  
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras efficitur laoreet massa. Nam eu porta dolor. Vestibulum pulvinar lorem et nisl tempor lacinia.</p>
  <p>Cras mi nisl, semper ut gravida sed, vulputate vel mauris. In dignissim aliquet fermentum. Donec arcu nunc, tempor sed nunc id, dapibus ornare dolor.</p>

(Note: I have wrapped the content in a <div>, in preparation for showing and hiding it using the script to follow.)

The button is provided as a child of the heading. This means that, when a screen reader user focuses the <button>, the button itself is identified but also the presence of its parent: "My section, button, heading level 2" (or similar, depending on the screen reader).

Speech bubble above collapsible section label reads my section, button, heading level 2

Had we instead converted the heading into a button using ARIA's role="button" we would be overriding the heading semantics. Screen reader users would lose the heading as a structural and navigational cue.

In addition, we would have to custom code all of the browser behaviors <button> gives us for free, such as focus (see tabindex in the example below) and key bindings to actually activate our custom control.

<!-- DON'T do this -->  
<h2 role="button" tabindex="0">My section</h2>  


Our component can be in one of two mutually exclusive states: collapsed or expanded. This state can be suggested visually, but also needs to be communicated non-visually. We can do this by applying aria-expanded to the button, initially in the false (collapsed) state. Accordingly, we need to hide the associated <div> — in this case, with hidden.

<h2><button aria-expanded="false">My section</button></h2>  
<div hidden>  
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras efficitur laoreet massa. Nam eu porta dolor. Vestibulum pulvinar lorem et nisl tempor lacinia.</p>
  <p>Cras mi nisl, semper ut gravida sed, vulputate vel mauris. In dignissim aliquet fermentum. Donec arcu nunc, tempor sed nunc id, dapibus ornare dolor.</p>

Some make the mistake of placing aria-expanded on the target element rather than the control itself. This is understandable since it is the content that actually switches state. But, if you think about it, this wouldn't be any good: the user would have to find the expanded content — which is only possible if it's actually expanded! — and then look around for an element that might control it. State is, therefore, communicated through the control that one uses to switch it.

Is that all the button ARIA?

Why yes. We don't need to add role="button" because the <button> element implicitly has that role (the ARIA role is just for imitating the native role). And unlike menu buttons, we are not instigating an immediate change of context by moving focus. Therefore, aria-haspopup is not applicable.

Some folks add aria-controls and point it to the content container's id. Be warned that aria-controls only works in JAWS at the time of writing. So long as the section's content follows the heading/button in the source order, it isn't needed. The user will (immediately) encounter the expanded content as they move down the page.

Styling the button

We've created a situation wherein we've employed a button, but a button that should look like an enhanced version of the heading it populates. The most efficient way to do this is to eradicate any user agent and author styles for buttons, forcing this button to inherit from its heading parent.

h2 button {  
  all: inherit;    

Great, but now the button has no affordance. It doesn't look like it can be activated. This is where, conventionally, a plus/minus symbol is incorporated. Plus indicates that the section can be expanded, and minus that it may be collapsed.

The first illustration shows a plus sign and the speech bubble reads My section, button collapsed. The second illustration shows a minus sign and the bubble reads button expanded.
The text label and/or icon for a button should always show what pressing that button will do, hence the minus sign in the expanded state indicating that the button will take the section content away.

The question is: how do we render the icon? The answer: as efficiently and accessibly as possible. Simple shapes such as rectangles (<rect>) are a highly efficient way to create icons with SVG, so let's do that.

<svg viewBox="0 0 10 10">  
  <rect height="8" width="2" y="1" x="4"/>
  <rect height="2" width="8" y="4" x="1"/>

There, that's small enough to fit in a tweet. Since state is communicated via the aria-expanded attribute non-visually, we don't need this graphic to be screen reader accessible or interactive. In which case, we need to add a couple more attributes.

<button aria-expanded="false">  
  My section
  <svg viewBox="0 0 10 10" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
    <rect class="vert" height="8" width="2" y="1" x="4" />
    <rect height="2" width="8" y="4" x="1" />

Note the class of "vert" for the rectangle that represents the vertical strut. We're going to target this with CSS to show and hide it depending on the state, transforming the icon between a plus and minus shape.

[aria-expanded="true"] .vert {
  display: none;

Tying state and its visual representation together is a very good thing. It ensures that state changes are communicated interoperably. Do not listen to those who advocate the absolute separation of HTML semantics and CSS styles. Form should follow function, and directly is most reliable.

Note that the default focus style was removed with inherit: all. We can delegate a focus style to the SVG with the following.

h2 button:focus svg {  
  outline: 2px solid;

High contrast themes

One more thing: We can ensure the <rect> elements respect high contrast themes. By applying a fill of currentColor to the <rect> elements, they change color with the surrounding text when it is affected by the theme change.

[aria-expanded] rect {
  fill: currentColor;

To test high contrast themes against your design on Windows, search for High contrast settings and apply a theme from Choose a theme. Many high contrast themes invert colors to reduce light intensity. This helps folks who suffer migraines or photophobia as well as making elements clearer to those with vision impairments.

Why not use <use>?

If we had many collapsible regions on the page, reusing the same SVG <pattern> definition via <use> elements and xlink:href would reduce redundancy.

<button aria-expanded="false">
  My section
  <svg viewBox="0 0 10 10 aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
    <use xlink:href="#plusminus"/>

Unfortunately, this would mean we could no longer target the specific .vert rectangle to show and hide it. By using little code to define each identical SVG, this is not a big problem in our case.

A small script

Given the simplicity of the interaction and all the elements and semantics being in place, we need only write a very terse script:

(function() {
  const headings = document.querySelectorAll('h2'), heading => {
    let btn = heading.querySelector('button')
    let target = heading.nextElementSibling

    btn.onclick = () => {
      let expanded = btn.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true' || false

      btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', !expanded)
      target.hidden = expanded    

Here's an accompanying CodePen demo:

Progressive enhancement

The trouble with the above script is that it requires the HTML to be adapted manually for the collapsible sections to work. Implemented by an engineer as a component via a template/JSX, this is expected. However, for largely static sites like blogs there are two avoidable issues:

Instead, we can take basic prose input (say, written in markdown or in a WYSIWYG) and enhance it after the fact with the script. This is quite trivial in jQuery given the nextUntil and wrapAll methods, but in plain JavaScript we need to do some iteration. Here's another CodePen that automatically adds the toggle button and groups the section content for toggling. It targets all <h2>s found in the <main> part of the page.

Why write it in plain JavaScript? Because modern browsers support Web API methods very consistently now, and because small interactions should not depend on large libraries.

A progressive web component

The last example meant we didn't have to think about our collapsible sections during editorial; they'd just appear automatically. But what we gained in convenience, we lost in control. Instead, what if there was a compromise wherein there was very little markup to write, but what we did write let us choose which sections should be collapsible and what state they should be in on page load?

Web components could be the answer. Consider the following:

<toggle-section open="false">  
  <h2>My section</h2>
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras efficitur laoreet massa. Nam eu porta dolor. Vestibulum pulvinar lorem et nisl tempor lacinia.</p>
  <p>Cras mi nisl, semper ut gravida sed, vulputate vel mauris. In dignissim aliquet fermentum. Donec arcu nunc, tempor sed nunc id, dapibus ornare dolor.</p>

The custom element name is easy to remember, and the open attribute has obvious implications. Better still, where JavaScript is unavailable, this outer element is treated like a mere <div> and the collapsible section remains a simple section. No real harm done.

In fact, if we detect support for the <template> element and attachShadow within our script, the same fallback will be presented to browsers not supporting these features.

if ('content' in document.createElement('template')) {  
  // Define the <template> for the web component

  if (document.head.attachShadow) {
    // Define the web component using the v1 syntax

The template

We could place a template element in the markup and reference it, or create one on the fly. I'm going to do the later.

tmpl.innerHTML = `  
    <button aria-expanded="false">
      <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 10 10">
        <rect class="vert" height="8" width="2" y="1" x="4"/>
        <rect height="2" width="8" y="4" x="1"/>
  <div class="content" hidden>
    h2 {
      margin: 0;

    h2 button {
      all: inherit;
      box-sizing: border-box;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: space-between;
      width: 100%;
      padding: 0.5em 0;

    button svg {
      height: 1em;
      margin-left: 0.5em;

    [aria-expanded="true"] .vert {
      display: none;

    [aria-expanded] rect {
      fill: currentColor;

This template content will become the Shadow DOM subtree for the component.

By styling the collapsible section from within its own Shadow DOM, the styles do not affect elements in Light DOM (the standard, outer DOM). Not only that, but they are not applied unless the browser supports <template> and custom elements.

Defining the component

Note the <slot> element in the template HTML, which is a window to our Light DOM. This makes it much easier to wrap the content provided by the author than in the previous progressive enhancement demo.

Inside the component definition, this.innerHTML refers to this Light DOM content. We shall create a shadowRoot and populate it with the template's content. The Shadow DOM markup is instead found with this.shadowRoot.innerHTML.

class ToggleSection extends HTMLElement {  
  constructor() {

    this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })

Diagram showing how the working web component is constructed from static content and a template into a combination of shadow and light DOM.

With these references, we can move Light DOM to Shadow DOM. Which means we can repurpose the Light DOM <h2>'s label and eliminate the now superfluous element. It probably seems dirty doing this DOM manipulation — especially when you're used to simple, declarative (React) components. But it's what makes the web component progressive.

this.btn = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('h2 button')  
var oldHeading = this.querySelector('h2')  
var label = oldHeading.textContent  
this.btn.innerHTML = label + this.btn.innerHTML  

Actually, we can do one better and support different introductory heading levels. Instead of targeting headings at all, we can just get the first element in the Light DOM. Making sure the first element is a heading would be a matter for editorial guidance. However, if it's not a heading, we can make good of any element — as I shall demonstrate.

var oldHeading = this.querySelector(':first-child')  

Now we just need to make sure the level for the Shadow DOM heading is faithful to the Light DOM original. I can query the tagName of the Light DOM heading and augment the Shadow DOM level with aria-level accordingly.

let level = parseInt(oldHeading.tagName.substr(1))  
this.heading = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('h2')  
if (level && level !== 2) {  
  this.heading.setAttribute('aria-level', level)

The second character of tagName is parsed as an integer. If this is a true integer (NaN is falsey) and isn't the 2 offered implicitly by <h2>, aria-level is applied. As a fallback, a non-heading element still gives up its textContent as the label for the extant Shadow DOM <h2>. This can be accompanied by a polite console.warn, advising developers to use a heading element as a preference.

if (!level) {  
  console.warn('The first element inside each <toggle-section> should be a heading of an appropriate level.')

The warning message, reading

One advantage of using aria-level is that, in our case, it is not being used as a styling hook — so the appearance of the heading/button remains unchanged.

<h2 aria-level="3">  
  <button aria-expanded="false">
    <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 10 10">
      <rect class="vert" height="8" width="2" y="1" x="4"/>
      <rect height="2" width="8" y="4" x="1"/>

If you wanted your collapsible section headings to reflect their level, you could include something like the following in your CSS.

toggle-section [aria-level="2"] {  
  font-size: 2rem;

toggle-section [aria-level="3"] {  
  font-size: 1.5rem;

/* etc */

The region role

Any content that is introduced by a heading is a de facto (sub)section within the page. But, as I covered in A Todo List, you can create explicit sectional container elements in the form of <section>. You get the same effect by applying role="region" to an element, such as our custom <toggle-section> (which otherwise offers no such accessible semantics).

<toggle-section role="region">  

Screen reader users are more likely to traverse a document by heading than region but many screen readers do provide region shortcuts. Adding role="region" gives us quite a bit:

Tethering open and aria-expanded

When the component's open value changes between true and false we want the appearance of the content to toggle. By harnessing observedAttributes() and attributeChangedCallback() we can do this directly. We place this code after the component's constructor:

static get observedAttributes() {  
  return ['open']

attributeChangedCallback(name) {  
  if (name === 'open') {

The advantage here is that we can toggle state using a script that simply changes the open value, from outside the component. For users to change the state, we can just flip open inside a click function:

this.btn.onclick = () => {  
  this.setAttribute('open', this.getAttribute('open') === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true')

Since the switchState() function augments the aria-expanded value, we have tethered open to aria-expanded, making sure the state change is accessible.

this.switchState = () => {  
  let expanded = this.getAttribute('open') === 'true' || false
  this.btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', expanded)
  this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.content').hidden = !expanded

Here's the CodePen for this version of the web component with comments:

Expand/collapse all

Since we toggle <toggle-section> elements via their open attribute, it's trivial to afford users an 'expand/collapse all' behavior. One advantage of such a provision is that users who have opened multiple sections independently can 'reset' to an initial, compact state for a better overview of the content. By the same token, users who find fiddling with interactive elements distracting or tiresome can revert to scrolling through open sections.

It's tempting to implement 'expand/collapse all' as a single toggle button. But we don't know how many sections will initially be in either state. Nor do we know, at any given time, how many sections the user has opened or closed manually.

Instead, we should group two alternative controls.

<ul class="controls" aria-label="section controls">  
  <li><button id="expand">expand all</button></li>
  <li><button id="collapse">collapse all</button></li>

It's important to group related controls together, and lists are the standard markup for doing so. See also: the lists of navigation links discussed in Menus & Menu Buttons. Lists and list items tell screen reader users when they are interacting with related elements and how many of these elements there are.

Some compound ARIA widgets have their own grouping mechanisms, like role="menu" grouping role="menuitem" elements or role="tablist" grouping role="tab" elements. Our use case does not suit either of these paradigms, and a simple labeled list suffices.

Because <ul> is implicitly a 'group' element, many assistive technologies will acknowledge a group label provided to it using aria-label. In VoiceOver, when a user enters the list and focuses the button, they will hear "expand all, button, list, section controls, two items".

Note that using aria-label only provides a non-visual label. This is acceptable if the purpose of the buttons can be gleaned visually through other cues such as layout. In this case, the proximity of the buttons to the sections probably suffices, but testing should be undertaken.

Diagram shows that the two buttons are are grouped under the label, section controls.

Tracking the URL

One final refinement.

Conventionally, and in the absence of JavaScript enhancement, users are able to follow and share links to specific page sections by their hash. This is expected, and part of the generic UX of the web.

Most parsers add id attributes for this purpose to heading elements. As the heading element for a target section in our enhanced interface may be inside a collapsed/unfocusable section, we need to open that to reveal the content and move focus to it. The connectedCallback() lifecycle lets us do this when the component is ready. It's like DOMContentLoaded but for web components.

connectedCallback() {  
  if (window.location.hash.substr(1) === {
    this.setAttribute('open', 'true')

Note that we focus the button inside the component's heading. This takes keyboard users to the pertinent component ready for interaction. In screen readers, the parent heading level will be announced along with the button label.

Further to this, we should be updating the hash each time the user opens successive sections. Then they can share the specific URL without needing to dig into dev tools (if they know how!) to copy/paste the heading's id. Let's use pushState to dynamically change the URL without reloading the page:

this.btn.onclick = () => {  
  let open = this.getAttribute('open') === 'true' || false
  this.setAttribute('open', open ? 'false' : 'true')

  if ( && !open) {
    history.pushState(null, null, '#' +

Here's a demo with the hash tracking capability added:


Your role as an interface designer and developer (yes, you can be both at the same time) is to serve the needs of the people receiving your content and using your functionality. These needs encompass both those of 'end users' and fellow contributors. The product should of course be accessible and performant, but maintaining and expanding the product should be possible without esoteric technical knowledge.

Whether implemented through web components or not, progressive enhancement not only ensures the interface is well-structured and robust. As we've seen here, it can also simplify the editorial process. This makes developing the application and its content more inclusive.


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